
Incident Mgmt & Business Continuity

No amount of preparation, no matter how extensive, can guarantee freedom from disasters. Major problems will arise and, when they do, the company that equips itself with a speedy recovery battle plan is the company that walks away with the least damage. HIPAAEx can ensure your company has a business continuity strategy in place to deal with these unexpected issues.
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Incident Mgmt & Business Continuity

Will an Unexpected Setback Affect Your Business?

Whether it’s handling the loss of a laptop computer or helping with ransomware recovery after a confirmed incident, HIPAAEx knows how to respond when seconds count – and when the prospect of substantial fines looms. We’ll help you get through these difficult times with a proactive strategy for recovery. And if you work with us beforehand, we’ll figure out the risks you face and design a unique Incident Response Plan (IRP) that will help you deal with a large variety of potential roadblocks.

True Cyber-Resilience: Developing & Implementing Your Company’s IRP

When disaster strikes, it’s imperative that everyone move quickly – but it’s a very stressful time, during which even the most reliable people are prone to mistakes. HIPAAEx will work with your company to put together an Incident Response Team (IRT) and determine its members’ duties in the event of a data breach or other emergency issue, allowing the right people to jump into action with a plan in mind as soon as a problem is detected. We’ll ensure the IRP can go into action quickly, no matter when the incident occurs, and that everyone on the team can get in contact immediately. "Worst case scenario" plans aren't fun to think about, but they can ensure the longevity of your company and protect you from all angles.

Guiding Your Business Through the Recovery Process

In addition to helping you put together an IRP, we at HIPAAEx can also help you recover in the aftermath of a data loss incident. We will put together the required risk assessment in the event of a suspected or confirmed breach, working with you to assemble the necessary documentation.

We have the industry expertise & experience to:

  • Define the nature of what happened
  • Bring an end to the immediate problem & restore business to normal
  • Document all necessary details of what happened
  • Determine who to notify about the situation & how to most effectively notify them
  • Use the incident report to determine how it (and similar incidents) can be prevented in the future

For more information regarding our incident response and business continuity services, contact HIPAAEx today!


Creating custom HIPAA compliance & cybersecurity solutions to fit within the budget, vision & overall risk tolerance of your small healthcare practice.


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